The .red Monthly November 2018

5 Articles to Promote Thought, Encourage Reflection and Ignite Action

This edition of The .red Monthly focuses on Reflective Practice, a topic which I have been preparing for a Webinar for the Safety Institute of Australia.

  1. The future of ‘traditional’ higher education is being called into question by these four authors for the Talent Economy Quarterly. In this collection of articles, individuals are challenged to take more of a hands-on role in their professional development plans as a way to compete with change.

  2. “Growth Mindset” may have gone the way of corporate buzzword that “gamification” did, but in this short article for HBR, Carol Dweck outlines the core findings of her research into the Growth Mindset and unpacks three misconceptions, limiting peoples understanding of the concept, to support organisations and individuals to stay in the growth zone.

  3. This paper from Ruth Helyer (via the Open Access Journal of Work-Applied Management), explores the critical role that reflection plays in work-based learning. The paper presents their findings that being reflective enables professionals to change in action, in the present moment, fully utilising observations, articulations and theorisation to strategically transform and re-conceptualize practice.

  4. Reflective practice has been well documented as a strategy for personal and professional growth since the 1980s. In this article for Ausmed, Anne Watkins, shares some strategies for reflection that aren’t just applicable to nursing and midwifery (for which this is targeting). Not only is reflection a tool for personal grown, but a dynamic tool for improving care (in nursing) and professional practice.

  5. Reflective practice occurs when you explore an experience you have had to identify what happened, and what your role in the experience was – including your behaviour and thinking, and related emotions. This allows you to look at changes to your approach for similar future events. This LibGuide from Southern Cross University provides a useful guide for practitioners.